Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

”Ask Leslie” Part 2: Speaking Up in a Destructive Relationship

In this episode, Leslie & Julie discuss the following listener questions/topics:

  1. How does staying calm help others see their own behavior more clearly?
  2. What distinguishes appropriate reactions from inappropriate ones?
  3. How should one handle a spouse who insists on arguing in front of children?
  4. What advice can you provide for overcoming the fear of speaking up and handling criticism?
  5. How can one respond to a spouse who uses profanity and initiates fights?
  6. What strategies can be employed to address criticism and communication shutdowns?
  7. How do you balance assertiveness with expressing love in a relationship?
  8. How does personal healing and growth impact communication patterns?
  9. What steps can one take to recognize control and choose battles wisely?
  10. How can difficult conversations be handled in a productive and empathetic manner?
  11. How do you address resistance to feedback and constructive criticism in relationships?

RESOURCES: Walking in Core Strength: www.leslievernick.com/strength

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